Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I know, I know!

My eyes are very dry right now.

That's stupid.

I just put my contacts like an hour and a half ago.

Wait is that supposed to be an a of an an?

Cause a hour and a half ago sorta sounds right.

But so does an hour and a half ago.

Or, what about, half an hour ago?

So did my teachers lie to me when they told me that an was only used if the next word began with a vowel?

Oh cruel world, what have you done to me?

This conundrum is an evil plot.

Curse you Vocabulary Man and your Sword of Grammar!

I feel like going to sleep, but I have another class in...40 minutes.

Sorry about the ... I had to look at the clock, check the time, get the dl on what's up with the Sandman.

He's makin' me all sleepy and it is not dark outside.

Like a Rhinestone Cowboy. Ba-Da-Duuuu!

Don't ask questions.

So you know what?

That's a lie. And we all know it.

So there.

Don't be doin' that, it ain't right GURL.

Ok...well this awfulfest of nonsensical things is over.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Come back for the next installment of...

Lost in Spaaaaaaaace!


Friday, January 15, 2010

No No

No No universe.

Not yet.

Don't get ahead of yourself.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Bad

At what I do.

To you.

It's all in the eyes.

The haze makes the picture clear.

The distance is lengthening.

So far I can hardly see across the divide.

I'm still here though.


Not quite seeing.

Sometimes I do.

The fog lifts, and there it is.

So perfect in all of its glory.

Then just as suddenly as it cleared, it's covered up again.

For how long, I don't know.

I'll wait.

Much longer than some people think I should, or that most would.

But here I'll be, just a few degrees from serendipity.
