Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's all up in the air and we stand still to see what comes down

I don't know where it is, I don't know when, but I want you around

When it falls into place with you and I, we go from if to when

Your side and mine are both behind it's indication.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Sit and Watch

I should really get a move on.

I am in fact doing quite a lot, but it really feels like I'm doing nothing.

Like I'm floating along watching everything change around me.

Or maybe I'm the one who has changed dramatically and I'm not even close to the same person I used to be.

I just want to be home for a while.

I'm so ready for a break, I just can't get the um... drive up to do anything right now.

This is so stupid.

Why the hell would anyone put a break three weeks before the end of classes?

Wait...maybe it's four.

Still, twelve weeks in a row of school with no all, not even a single day off, is just a little too much.

I want to go home and see all of you.

Not have to worry about doing calculus or anything.

Practice some yea, but not because if I don't I'm gonna be way behind, but because I want to again.

Be there and just be.

Sit and watch.

X0 ...zzzz...zzz...zz...z...

Saturday, March 13, 2010



I just watched quite a few people drink a lot of whiskey.

And why?

Because they felt like it.

That's so stupid.

Like an hour and a half or so later they all had to leave because they were too drunk, they couldn't even stand up.

That's what I want to do, stumble around, feel like crap, and not talk right.

What a blasty blast.

Real fun times.

I'd so much rather remember what I did that night.

Maybe spend a night on the couch with a particular pretty lady I know, watch a movie.

Better yet, sneak into a show, see what kind of trouble we could get into.

Hopefully not much, if I got put in jail I have a feeling I'd be the one getting violated.

You know...the kind of stuff that you don't ever wanna think about.

And now you are thinking about it, and it's all my fault.

I'm sorry/welcome.

I want a twinkie really badly.

Dadgum movie.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010



You are most fine I would say.

Definitely better than anything February had to offer.

You are quite busy though, full of events, and things to do.

Lots, and lots of work.

Fun work though.

Perhaps when I die, I should be put in a firework, and all of my ashes could rain down upon you.

You would never get me out of your hair.
