Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Funky sounds coming from Brooke.

Whaddya say we leave for California?

If we drive all night we can make it by the morning.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Do you really?

Start it.



For once will...

Can't it...

Is there...


How can...

Why don't...


Will it ever...



Monday, May 25, 2009


The same thing will always happen.

Why do I try to make myself believe otherwise?

Is it just some false hope that I keep for myself?

One of these days, maybe it will be different, but I don't think that's gonna happen until it's fully seen just how impossible this next event is gonna be.

All for you.

You know, it actually does get on my nerves.

When the same thing is repeated over and over, you do know that as hard a time as your giving me, I'm doing the same thing to myself only twice as bad...right?

I hate myself so much most of the time for the things I do, or don't do more often.

How can you possibly understand how I treat myself?

I really want to shout curses and throw things at my walls right now because of something.


Saturday, May 23, 2009


One bright day in the middle of the night

two dead boys got up to fight

back to back they faced one another

drew their swords and shot each other

a deaf policeman heard the noise

and came and shot the two dead boys.

Ross, don't add your poop.

That's the whole story.

I wonder how long it will take...

More mysteries.


Friday, May 22, 2009


I made that word up.

It doesn't mean anything.

I'm the only one who says it.

The sky is falling...well hagenvagen.

I'm so bored.

This is what I spend my time doing.

Contemplating a deeper meaning to words that have no meaning.

This mood I'm in is awkward.

I don't even want to do that.

Isn't that terrible?

That, is something that I've always wanted to do, and yet, right now I don't want to.

Disappointment is not any fun.


What do I have to be disappointed in?

Well, I'll tell you, right after I do something else.


Yes Brittany, I know I'm confusing you.

In about a month, I won't even know what I was talking about on here.

That's okay, I do right now.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Got My First Mosquito Bite Yesterday

Summer, so far, has been about 85 times more productive than any of school this year.

Yep, pretty sure about that.

My pool is almost ready to go.

Just a little chilly.

I agree with you that those things are very stupid, and blaming other people for doing what is right is stupid.

Want to...want to.

Always want to.

Right here...right here.

Always right here.

It's way too hot in my house.

Why are the windows open?

I don't know what else to say, but I just want to keep writing.

Ever feel like that?

It's finally summer and I couldn't be happier.

I miss you.


Vas Deferens

Look it up.

That is all.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cleaning and

I learned how to juggle a few minutes ago.

I thought that was pretty interesting.

Not very good at it, but I can do it.


And that's how I stayed not bored.

It was quite entertaining.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Take It Easy

I finally got to do what I have been wanting to for a very long time.

It was freeing, shouldn't have done that, but it was still good.

Didn't find any bacon so that's not too bad.

If you figure out what I did, congrats.

Tonight will be boring; after the ceremony, it will be fun; after about 3, it will be tired.

I like how I got really sunburnt just in time to graduate.

That's me.

My pool is almost ready, it needs to be cleaned and then have all the starting chemicals put in it, then it need a solar blanket so it's not 60 degrees then it'll be alright.

Can't wait for pool baseball.

My neck and nose hurt, just realized that.

I can't figure out how to put a little hat on this fellow.


(aha! it sorta works!)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009




Hm...have I heard that anywhere?

Anywho...I am so glad that's over.

Now it's on to new and different things.

I will only miss the people, almost nothing else about it seemed worth it.

Relay is gonna be fun, even if it rains...guess I'll just be playing wiffle ball soaked wet.


I feel like such a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I can wait for college to start though.

Hopefully this summer takes longer than any other summer ever.

I know it won't but you can always hope right?


Monday, May 11, 2009

Does that work like that?

Breaking up slowly?


Does that even make sense?

Um...they do realize that that in itself means that they don't really want to be without each other...right?

Like...if you really want to end the relationship you won't have to take it in a step-by-step process.

Or am I wrong?

Please tell me.

I don't plan on doing that at all, but I'm just really, extremely confused.

Kinda seems like a band-aid situation to me.

Whatever, I guess things don't always have to make sense to everybody.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

So busy...

I've seen a lot of fires lately.

I think I'll smell like smoke forever.

Come on this is the ole Alfer...

that's an odd phrase.

My finger burns.

Don't pick up hot logs, well I didn't really know it was hot, but still just don't do it.

To the sleepless this is my reply...I'll write you a lullaby.

Good song, good band.

Listened to 'em while mowing.

Have you ever noticed how retarded wrestlers look?

Not just because of the outfits, but just in every day clothes they look so dumb.

And that's what I did this mother's day.


Friday, May 8, 2009

How can you not see?

Good God I'm an awful person.


Thursday, May 7, 2009


Why don't you ever tell me things?

Why do you just lie to me?

Why can't you just say something?

Why do you hide what you want to say?

Why can I not ever hear what you want to say?

Why can't I ever do things right?

Why do you never say it's alright?

Why do you just let me sit here in my sorrow?

Why am I sitting here?

Why am I so mean?

Why don't you lead?

Why do I only hurt you?

Why do you put up with me?



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Listen, That's it

I don't know how...

The first verse of The Scientist says what I want to.

Actually the chorus does too.

I'm not really going back to the start though.

I wish I could sing.

I'm really not very good.

Every time I have to go to English I die a little inside.

I think this next time I'm just gonna pop my zune in and let her yell at me if she wants to.

That's probably why she hates me so much, I have no respect for her and I show it.

It's the same problem I had with L. Reid, I just have no respect for him on any level, and I'm not really afraid to act that way.

If you've only proved to be an idiot I lose respect very quickly. You need to actually know what you're talking about to talk about it.

That's not too much to ask right?

Woah, if you click Post Options, it'll be at the bottom of the box you type in, you can change the time it displays.

I hope you read this Ross, cause then you could just do that instead of end with the time, although it is kind of neat way to do things.

Like me and these odd faces.


What I want to say



Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have no idea what I was gonna write about.

It was obviously very important to me.


Monday, May 4, 2009

I hate English, but Catherine has some big Cleavage

So I just got done writing my english essay, and let me be the first to tell is awful.

Like, it's embarrasing how truly bad this essay is.

I feel kinda bad for Ms. Stupid-Head cause she has to grade it.

That's seems like a good build up for the paper, right?

I mean with a lead into like that, it can only be good.

But it doesn't really matter, cause I just got the summary of money that I'm getting from scholarships at UMKC, and we're pretty sure that I'm going to get paid to go to school there.

Which rocks my friggin' face off.

I'm really looking forward to it now.

Happy day, Happy day.

And now I'm writing about Brooke cause she's sitting next to me, which when I first wrote this I didn't mention. She didn't like that very much and is now making me write about her.

It's ok though, cause I could devote a whole blog that's much longer than this about to her, and it still wouldn't cover how much I like her.

Also, I used cause a lot in this blog.


Simple Seen

I read that and I'm happy.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Empty Words on a Blank Page

This is one incredibly terrible mood.

I'm not particularly mad or's just like I'm here, that's it.

Nothing more or less.

I feel like I'm going through life's motions, without feeling anything.

Isn't that terrible?

It's like the only emotion I can feel is sorrow for the fact that I have nothing else to feel.

Here in a couple hours I'm going to Cullen's house, then Prom, and I don't think I've ever been less excited about anything.

It won't be bad, and I know that, it'll be a good time, but I want to do something else.

I have no idea what I want to do.

I want to be away.

I have an idea of what to do.

I'm on the verge of tears, I have a reason.

No one will know.

This blog is really sad.

I'm sorry, I seem to be saying that a lot.

Why can't it all be over so I can get in a car a drive away without missing anything.

I just want to go...

Want to come?

The worst is that it seems even music can't calm this feeling.

That's always worked, but I don't know what I want to hear.

Your voice telling me it'll be ok, that you love me, that your always right here.

I want to see you so bad.

But you aren't here, you can't be.

Sometimes I want to give up, but I'm not done yet.

At a time like this I just don't know what to do.

This is so hard.
