Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Listen, That's it

I don't know how...

The first verse of The Scientist says what I want to.

Actually the chorus does too.

I'm not really going back to the start though.

I wish I could sing.

I'm really not very good.

Every time I have to go to English I die a little inside.

I think this next time I'm just gonna pop my zune in and let her yell at me if she wants to.

That's probably why she hates me so much, I have no respect for her and I show it.

It's the same problem I had with L. Reid, I just have no respect for him on any level, and I'm not really afraid to act that way.

If you've only proved to be an idiot I lose respect very quickly. You need to actually know what you're talking about to talk about it.

That's not too much to ask right?

Woah, if you click Post Options, it'll be at the bottom of the box you type in, you can change the time it displays.

I hope you read this Ross, cause then you could just do that instead of end with the time, although it is kind of neat way to do things.

Like me and these odd faces.


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