Wednesday, February 25, 2009


She doesn't follow my blog anymore, I'm as sad as a kid on a rollercoaster.

Wait a minute, that kid wouldn't be sad at all...

We's strange.

So Brooke and Melissa, your church is...


The people are very fun to be around.

Now, I just have to get to know some of them so I can actually talk in our small group.

It's kinda awkward, for me at least, to say something of a religious sort in front of people I don't know.

Maybe I'm just weird.

Yea, that's it.


Monday, February 23, 2009


So I'm trying to respond to your blog Lindsay, but the verification thing is messed up.

It says for me to enter the letter as they appear, but the only letters are


Then next to the place where you enter the letters as they appear...

is a handicap symbol.

You know the one of the stick figure in a wheelchair.

I don't understand.

So I'll put it here...

Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow?


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fix You

Another good song.

But, for this occasion it's Fix Me.

As in I should try to Fix Me.

At least it's not constant I guess.

Oh and my mom actually did come home...

at 6:30 this morning.

Why is that just fine for adults to do, and yet if she was my age, she would be getting berrated for sleeping with him?

There is just as much of a chance of that happening, as there is of me liking Mr. uh...Ms. Erickson.

I hate double standards.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Found It

So I had this Coldplay song on my Zune that at the end of it had like 10 seconds of another song on it, and I always wanted that other song.

Thanks Ross!

Strawberry Swing is now my favourite song.

They were sitting
They were sitting in the Strawberry Swing
Every moment was so precious

They were sitting
They were talking in the Strawberry Swing
Everybody was for fightning
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing

Cold, cold water
Bring me round
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Cold, cold water
What ya say?

It's such
It's a such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day

I remember
We were walking up to Strawberry Swing
I can't till the morning
Wouldn't wanna change a thing

People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away

It's such
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day

Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time

Could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time

Could be blue, could be grey
Without you I'm just miles away

The sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time

On a different note...

You are such a bitch.

I feel no remorse at all.

I'm talking about you Brianna.

Thank you for proving just how little you are.

You've gone to Neighborhood for just soo long.

I completely understand where you get off.

Yeah right.

So far, you've done nothing to prove to me that you are not a trampy, little whore.

What with the hitting on me, and all of this behind closed doors thing you've got going on here.

I hope you read this and feel nothing at all about what I've said, it would just prove how nieve you truly are.

However, I will stop before I get totally out of hand.

I must not lower and debase myself to make you feel bad, enough other people will help me out with that.

Getting down to your level might be a tad difficult though.


Another side note...

I really enjoy my girlfriend's company.

We are soo weird...

and awesome!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009



It doesn't take much anymore...

You might ask, to do what?

And that's your prerogative.


Monday, February 16, 2009

George Washington, Carver

Inventor of the first handful of peanuts.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rusty's Brithday

I mean Valentine's Day.


Just a way to get people to spend money, but with the economy the way it is, it probably isn't such a bad idea.

However, I think having a planned day to give someone a gift is dumb.

We have birthdays and Christmas for that.

I think it's much better to just randomly give a gift, much more of a surprise.


Friday, February 13, 2009

There and There

This is how it's most likely always going to be.

Here and there, there and here.

Also, having a battery die is not cool.

I get to use my brother's phone until tuesday though, it's fancier.


It's a blackberry I think...maybe, I dunno, it has internet though.

...Me too...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ha Ha

Restatement is fun.



Monday, February 9, 2009


I can't do anything!

I know you don't need the help, but I still feel like I need to give it.

It's my nature.

I say I don't worry.

That's usually about small stuff...(you shush)...

I don't know, it just bothers me that I can't do anything.

Get better.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Didn't

Want to say this while I was around you all...


You should talk to your father Carrie.

That's how I was, just didn't talk a whole lot to him, sat in my room and played video games.

Or he would be in here on the computer working on whatever project he had.

And now, those times when he would come in and interrupt me are what I miss.

I can just sit in there and play all day and no one comes to bother me.

I wouldn't have ever thought I would miss that, but I do.

Just go and sit with him, or just be in the same room.

Hear his voice, soak it all up.

I'm happy that I'm the one who had this happen, I can handle it.

I can help now.

If I can gain any happiness from this, it's that I don't have to b the one trying console the person.

Thank you Ross, I don't know that I ever said anything to you about it, but you just sitting there, spending the night for however long you did, it truly did help.

I acted like it didn't, but it did, just having somebody there to be stupid with was a life saver.

I truly appreciate it.

On a side note, I like how the theme for a lot of people has been the title is part of the first line.

Hottub is always fun.

Forgetting is fun too.

That goes for everybody...not just Carrie.

She's just the one who said something.

Sorry, if I made you feel bad, you should really take my advice though.


Coming up for air

We speak in silence
Words can break
It feels like we are falling awake
In a place, in a time of our own
Yeah yeah

I like songs that bring up neat concepts.

Sitting here playing video games, and a song comes on and I just stop playing and sit there.

Usually means it's a good song.

I died twice before I realized I wasn't moving.

Oh well.

I still went like 28 and 9.

Man I'm a huge dork.

It happens.


It's 3:57

The time on this thingy-ma-bob always lies.

Anyways...I think it's funny that you block me from seeing your blog, yet continue to follow mine.

Kinda creepy stalkerish type thing going on there.


Stupid people with their "rules."

Why does everyone take that as being awkward, when in all actuality it's most definetly not?

I did not spell actuality right.

Maybe it's actuallity, no, actualitty, I have no idea.



Sleep is good I guess.

If overrated.



Friday, February 6, 2009


I find it odd that a post I deleted got posted anyway.


It's not about you there Vrooke.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Sad

All I can do is laugh and wonder.

How can people have their head so far up their ass that they can't see what's around them.

I'd really like to hear his side of the story.

Seems like a gigantic episode of clusterfuck. That's right a whole episode.

I don't understand where she gets off, thinking that she needs to be in the middle of all of this.

I just don't understand.

I'm extremely dissapointed in people.

All of them, except a select few.

The rest of you are all sad, pitiful fools who don't know the way up.

You claim to know you are right.

No one can do that, not even I can.

But, I'm pretty damn sure I know this one.

So very, very sad.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ahem...(clears throat)


Calm down people.

Please note this is to be read in a calm voice, I'm not mad, angry, stressed.

Just tired.

Yes, I agree with you all that Brianna has done, and said, some very stupid things.

I really can't forgive her, but I refuse to say hateful things to her.

Please don't take this as I want to be friends, or whatever, but if you have a question or something about SYS, I really don't mind answering it.

I would really like it if you guys would just breathe.

I'm right there with you, but it doesn't help anything to just yell back and forth, or be mean.

Also keep in mind that I'm talking to everyone.

I'm not mad at any of you, I'm just concerned.

Tensions are very high, and I really hate being stuck in the middle of my friends as they fall apart.

Just to be sure this is the side I'm on...


On pretty much everything.

By the way Brittany, don't think that I expect you to stand in front to defend our side, I'll be there for that.

So everyone just take a deep breath and really contemplate what you do, or say, the things that come out of our mouths effect way more than just us.

I lied a minute ago. Only mostly refuse, sorry I'm human. Hate me.

My eyeballular devices hurt.

That's a side note which is totally unrelated, but they do.

I want...

(how do you make a guy shaking his head?)


Stupid 'Ole Me


This place is so freaking pointless!

If I only had band and jazz band I would be ok.

But seriously, whoneeds to sit in a room for an hour and a half watching a pointless movie, then go to another room and sit on the computer doing nothing for another hour and a half?

I can do that at home!

Plus, not have to be at home.


It's so useless.

Who cares about good english, or knowing how to write in MLA?

Just ask google.

Skipping sounds like a terrific plan.


Brittany, you made my day.

Funny, funny.


Monday, February 2, 2009

I'd Rather

Have this pain than that pain.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


I get a text I really want it to be from you.

It's a good thing we text a lot.


Ha Ha

I found you out.

Or rather, you more or less told me.




Does this to me.



That was...incredible.

Simple, awesome.

I like how it changed as it went on.

And neither of us have to wory about pressure, because we both feel the same.

I really enjoy this whole dating thing.

I'm so happy I'm back in Springfield.

All-State was fun, but I don't know...this was just better.

Lmbo, I don't know how you stayed signed in.

Carrie, I posted as Brooke on your blogger, so I figure I'll say it here.

I'm here, if you need someone to talk to, I know a thing or two about this kind of stuff.

Just give me a ring.
