Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ahem...(clears throat)


Calm down people.

Please note this is to be read in a calm voice, I'm not mad, angry, stressed.

Just tired.

Yes, I agree with you all that Brianna has done, and said, some very stupid things.

I really can't forgive her, but I refuse to say hateful things to her.

Please don't take this as I want to be friends, or whatever, but if you have a question or something about SYS, I really don't mind answering it.

I would really like it if you guys would just breathe.

I'm right there with you, but it doesn't help anything to just yell back and forth, or be mean.

Also keep in mind that I'm talking to everyone.

I'm not mad at any of you, I'm just concerned.

Tensions are very high, and I really hate being stuck in the middle of my friends as they fall apart.

Just to be sure this is the side I'm on...


On pretty much everything.

By the way Brittany, don't think that I expect you to stand in front to defend our side, I'll be there for that.

So everyone just take a deep breath and really contemplate what you do, or say, the things that come out of our mouths effect way more than just us.

I lied a minute ago. Only mostly refuse, sorry I'm human. Hate me.

My eyeballular devices hurt.

That's a side note which is totally unrelated, but they do.

I want...

(how do you make a guy shaking his head?)


1 comment:

Brittany said...

Thanks for making me feel better when you didn't even know I needed it.