Friday, May 22, 2009


I made that word up.

It doesn't mean anything.

I'm the only one who says it.

The sky is falling...well hagenvagen.

I'm so bored.

This is what I spend my time doing.

Contemplating a deeper meaning to words that have no meaning.

This mood I'm in is awkward.

I don't even want to do that.

Isn't that terrible?

That, is something that I've always wanted to do, and yet, right now I don't want to.

Disappointment is not any fun.


What do I have to be disappointed in?

Well, I'll tell you, right after I do something else.


Yes Brittany, I know I'm confusing you.

In about a month, I won't even know what I was talking about on here.

That's okay, I do right now.



Brookely90 said...

I don't either.

Brittany said...

it's okay, I know the feeling, most of the time i just ramble on here cause it sounds good at the time..

And I'm very disappointed right now, and upset and pissed off.. it's horrible.