Tuesday, April 27, 2010


all of these people who keep commenting on my blog in their Chinese or Japanese.

Seriously I hate having to delete your retarded messages that are just links to Lord knows what.

Btw...nobody click on those if you see them.

I really don't trust them.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Follow Up

Took me a while to get back with what the first movement sounds like.

And while listening to the song, I realized I have to retract that statement as a whole.

I have no idea what movie the first movement sounds like, it's kinda weird...reminds me of like an army marching.

Second movement is kinda like a night on the town in France in like the 1800's...or what I assume one must've been like.

Kinda drunken feeling, like you've been partying, and you are stumbling around.

In the middle of this one there is a moment that happens and you can feel the energy change like you are getting to see the hero for the first time.

Reminds me of 101 Dalmatians, or Lady and the Tramp.

Third movement is eerie. Kinda like the main melody only twisted...very Alice in Wonderland to me.

The fourth movement is where the fun happens.

Think, the evil tide is rolling in while all of the good guys are partying and enjoying themselves.

Instead of Kiss the Girls, it's more like Under the Sea meets the songs in Lord of the Rings where you are with the Orcs.

Then, there is the epic fight scene, and apparently either the good guys defeat the bad or they join sides, cause the real party is the end.

It's so fun.

But you should really come.

Oh btw...I get to drive home that night after the concert so whoopidoo!

More incentive for you to come, could have a fun ride of joy and sleepiness!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today, Tomorrow, The Next Day, Yesterday

...Could not

...Would not

...Should not

...Did not

...Can not



...Try two


...Does not


...Have not

...Want not

...Need lots.


Sunday, April 18, 2010


...don't stop now

don't try to hide it how

you wanna kiss the girl.

Sooo...one of the songs we're playing in wind symphony totally sounds like a combination of several Disney movies.

The first part is...well crap...I forgot, I'll tell ya that one later.

The second part is definitely the new Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland.

And the last part is Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid.

It's epic, and hilarious.

I wish you guys could come see it, but as always it's on a Thursday, so no luck for you.

...or me I guess, it's kinda my concert.

SUMMER is so close, I can literally taste it.

The trees here are so intensely strong that not only can you smell them from like 20 feet away, but you can taste them.

I could eat a tree, and it would be terrific.

And baseball is here, wonderful, wonderful baseball.

Needs to get me some tickets.



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Don't Know What Else to Do...

So I guess I'll sit here and write for a while.

These same four walls have kept me company for a long time.

Do you ever feel like your mind is trapped?

Like all of your thoughts are bouncing off of something and coming right back?

All of your thoughts just keep coming back?

They are all the same thoughts, nothing is different...so boring.

On the good side though, practicing is not just senseless work anymore, I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something.

That's good.

So...when I watch the show Life, I find that I'm always rooting for the predator.

Does that mean I'm mean-spirited or something?

Even if it's something cute, I still usually want the predator to get food.

I think it's cause the predators babies are always so much cuter than the food.

Like, a lion cub, or a little wolf puppy, or a baby fox, they're just so darn cute.

And who really likes gazelles anyway?


Mearkat babies!

Look at the little guys go.

Oh my goodness gracious.

I want one.

Sorry for writing this so that the two or three of you who still feel obligated to read new posts have to read this.

It's mostly senseless.

I miss you.

A lot.

A lot, a lot.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Very gone.

Where did I go?

Suddenly I am not there anymore.

Ah crap.

Alone with my thoughts.

This never ends well.
