Sunday, April 18, 2010


...don't stop now

don't try to hide it how

you wanna kiss the girl. of the songs we're playing in wind symphony totally sounds like a combination of several Disney movies.

The first part is...well crap...I forgot, I'll tell ya that one later.

The second part is definitely the new Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland.

And the last part is Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid.

It's epic, and hilarious.

I wish you guys could come see it, but as always it's on a Thursday, so no luck for you.

...or me I guess, it's kinda my concert.

SUMMER is so close, I can literally taste it.

The trees here are so intensely strong that not only can you smell them from like 20 feet away, but you can taste them.

I could eat a tree, and it would be terrific.

And baseball is here, wonderful, wonderful baseball.

Needs to get me some tickets.




Brookely90 said...

Uh actually I probably could go now. I don't have guard anymore remember.

hornextraordinare said...

you could go with my mother i suppose.

hornextraordinare said...

i figured you have school on friday and wouldn't want to drive back that night

Brittany said...

I love your blogs. They make me smile. As does that song.