Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Wonder Where you'll Go

The wholly unexpectedness of life is what makes it so fun.

But also results in an utter lack of expectation.

And if we can't expect anything out of life, what is there to do?

Be unafraid, for your fears are heavily guarded and you are sheltered from harm.

Hope is a guardian that can save all from all.

We've got 12 minutes before the world ends.

What will you do with your time?

I've no idea.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It's good to be back here.

I like these guys.

Yea, they're womanizers and racist, but they're pretty hilarious.

They encourage me to e far more outgoing than I normally would be.

Granted I still hardly go out, but they try.

Peer pressure doesn't really work on me, unless I find what I'm being pressured to do is actually worth it.

Getting away from all of that crap is nice.

Just crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

Let's just hope I'm still in the Wind Symphony and besides that it doesn't matter.

It'll all work out just like it needs to.

Even if I don't know why, He does and that's good enough for me.

Wanna talk?


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And just like that

You get to me.

Doesn't even make a little sense.

I don't really know what it is, but just a look and I'm done for.


Or not lame.

I haven't decided yet.


I tried, but nothing came out.

No voice makes for a dull conversationalist.

So I'm glad that our friends haven't totally chosen sides.

It's a very idiotic fight.

He says she says.

It's not my business so please don't involve me.

I saw that coming a mile away.

I do believe it is time to at least begin prentending we aren't in highschool anymore.


Just me?

Doubt it.

Grow up and talk to each other.

The worst that could happen is you'll understand how you feel.

I just don't get it.

Get it.

I love you my darling farewell.

My dear Br...ielle.

Or at least that's how the song goes.

Hm... Did I just write that?




Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time to Wait

Or waste.

I hate posts like that.

I can't tell if they have meaning or not.

Just post for the heck of it, or a whisper a whisper a whisper.


Four more years.

Make it what you want.

what You want.




Thursday, August 5, 2010

This Week

What more needs to be said?

This week is just spectacular.

Except for a minor speed bump or two it has all been fantastic.

On speed bumps...wrong impressions suck.

That is my bad.


I just tallied up how much I've practiced in these three days and it's around 9 hours.


I never really realized that practicing can actually be truly enjoyable.

I know I love to play, but practicing always has all of these negative connotations.

Always seems more like a have to kind of thing instead of want to.

But up here...it's like practicing is THE thing to do.

The best kind of peer pressure.

So what if my mock audition didn't go very well?

I know why, and I know what to do to fix the next one.

I love Denver so much, it's just gorgeous.

I'd get a picture of the mountains over the city, but I don't have a camera with the capabilities to do so.


I'm excited for DCI now...all this brass stuff has really gotten me in the mood.


I miss things.

This thing, that thing, nights and days.

They'll be here again.

Just remember, A Little Opera Goes A Long Way.
