Saturday, December 6, 2008



I've worked so hard for so long, and finally I get some kind of reward. Yeah, I've awards and I've made state before, but to be able to say that I'm the best at what I do in the entire state.

That just takes it to another level.

I can hardly believe it. I knew I could do it, it was just doing it that was the hard part.

I just wish my dad was here to see it. But no, he had to go and take the easy way out.

What a lame-o.

I so freakin' excited right now. I know it's kinda hard to tell if you see me. But trust me, this is the happiest I've been for almost a year now.

I wish every day could be like this.

No's fun.

Then I get to hang out [and play nancy drew (only slightly pathetic)] with cool people.

I think it's funny that it's always the same three people. We're just the nancy drew team I guess.

It's fun.

I guess that should be the name of this post.

So far senior year has been the best. First we get to have a terrific marching season, and now this. If only everyone was having this good of a time.

But sadly, no.

I think for everyone person having a good time, there is another on the total opposite end of the spectrum.

Maybe I can radiate some of my good feelings off.

It wouldn't do much to quell the pain. But I could certainly try.

Again, I'm right here.


All you have to do is talk to me.

Well, I'm gonna go back to having fun.

It's fun.

Oh, and also John Mayer is so insanely right. He knows exactly what to say.


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