Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Crossed Statistics

Tonight was a piece of shit.


Fuck me.

Not in the sex way.

God damn you hottub cover, no one likes you anyways.

I did let my cat back in, but part of me hopes she dies right now.

Seriously? Fucking shitting in the floor?

What the fuck kind of animal does that?

She spent like fucking 6 years in a house. She knows better.


It was all building up to be so good. But no.

What's worse is tomorrow I have to write a whole essay.

It's good that it's something I have feelings about so it won't be too terrible.

I'm so very angry at myself right now.

It's nobody's fault but my own that that fucking cover broke.

Sorry to have to make you, Corey and Luke, help like that. Thank you so much.

At least I have some money saved.

Only two things saved me tonight.

Wednesday evening and you.

I'm so happy we chose this path.

Deep breath...and...

into tomorrow.


(i need one getting smacked directly in the face)

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