Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Didn't

Want to say this while I was around you all...


You should talk to your father Carrie.

That's how I was, just didn't talk a whole lot to him, sat in my room and played video games.

Or he would be in here on the computer working on whatever project he had.

And now, those times when he would come in and interrupt me are what I miss.

I can just sit in there and play all day and no one comes to bother me.

I wouldn't have ever thought I would miss that, but I do.

Just go and sit with him, or just be in the same room.

Hear his voice, soak it all up.

I'm happy that I'm the one who had this happen, I can handle it.

I can help now.

If I can gain any happiness from this, it's that I don't have to b the one trying console the person.

Thank you Ross, I don't know that I ever said anything to you about it, but you just sitting there, spending the night for however long you did, it truly did help.

I acted like it didn't, but it did, just having somebody there to be stupid with was a life saver.

I truly appreciate it.

On a side note, I like how the theme for a lot of people has been the title is part of the first line.

Hottub is always fun.

Forgetting is fun too.

That goes for everybody...not just Carrie.

She's just the one who said something.

Sorry, if I made you feel bad, you should really take my advice though.



byondaverage said...

I did talk to him today. I love my Daddy. Me and my Daddy are so alike that we butt heads most of the time. I've thought ever since your Daddy and my Mom's Daddy passed away, that really I have only this little bit of time, and I'm going to make it last as long as I can keep it.

Thank you for reminding me though, and caring enough.

Love ya kid.

Rhendricks said...

You're very welcome. I can't even imagine how hard that was/is for you. I'm just glad that I could help.