Friday, July 31, 2009


I have nothing to say.

But everything to tell.

No words.


(like my moustache?)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just Keep Swimming

Swimming, Swimming, Swimming.

When I look to the sky...

Hm, Hm, Hm.

Gotta just keep telling me this over and over.

How's that for a lame post?

And it all does make sense.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

I was Right

You won't believe me, but I know I'm right.

No, I won't tell you.

I'm happy I'm right.

It makes me worry less.



From this state comes many different realizations.

Such as, songs can be simple, and extremely complex at the same time.

Or, even the most interesting video game gets very bland after a long time.

The people who play soccer are a lot better at than most people think. Seriously, like almost every pass they make is way harder than any time I've ever kicked a ball.

Dances with Wolves reminds me of that one Tom Hanks where he's stuck on that island...hold on I'm looking it up...Cast Away. Except for it's a different actor who is alone for most of the movie.

I forget his name.

I really thought I'd get more texts, in a way I'm really happy I didn't, or I guess haven't.

I hope that I'm as good as you all make me out to be.

Playing the piano is very calming, I just wish I could sing so that my voice wouldn't ruin what I'm playing.

It seems like most comedy just points out things in life that we fail to notice. Everyday events are actually extremely hilarious, we just fail to realize it. So in essence, a comedian is nothing more than a person who is more observant than the rest of us. Well and a good story teller.

I'm very interested in this purple violet story I've heard about.

I'd better get used to this.

Yes, it's a riddle.

Get over it.

Why did people get so interested in why chickens are crossing roads? What I want to know is why the heck are so many chickens just running around cities?

I've never seen a chicken just roaming around.

Well, Tim Allen is turning into a dog, and back into a man on my television screen, and it has me completely interested so, looks like I'm just gonna have to watch it.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Can't live with them, can't live without them.

I know Brooke likes that name...can't think of why...

Oh and I don't mean that saying in the normal way, more of a literal can't live with them.

People frown on that for some reason.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

poco tiempo

Little time.

That's what it seems like.

It really needs to slow down.

I don't think me saying that is gonna help any, but yea.

I've really enjoyed this small amount of time though, been loads of fun.

I agree with you...

...also I don't know that a lot of girls would think the same way, which is just another example of why I like you.

That saying about girls is completely true.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

What do I have to do?

I want to know so bad it makes my heart tear itself apart.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I figured I should go ahead and apologize so when you read the rest of this, you'll already know that I did.

So I went and saw Harry Potter with my mother today.

I liked it, I can see how some people wouldn't.

It did follow the book, but as with all movies about books it couldn't do everything, and for some reason people just can't wrap their minds around that fact.

They did change a few things, leave some out, but overall I thought it was very well done.

I thought the acting in this one seemed to be better than the others, I actually saw them as characters.

Well, ok...

See I told you I apologized for a reason, I'm gonna see it with you Saturday, maybe for you that's today, or we already did.

So be happy...

...even though my mom gave me a retarded curfew for the last month of summer of 11...

...what a bombshell...

..also, I'm not joking.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Fuck Me

All the wishing in the world isn't gonna take back that mistake.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

At Least My Pool is Cold

I haven't written anything for a long time.

Sorry about last night...I just got depressed.

It happens, it wasn't because of what you think.

I'm fine now. is really stinking hot.

What the heck happened to the comfortable weather we'd been having for a while.

Hm...oh well.


Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm So Tired...

...of these friggin' dogs!

...of hurting!

...of...did I mention the stupid idiot dogs!

All they do is...the dirty.

All the time, it's so fucking annoying.

Neither one of them listens.

Koby used to, but now he just doesn't.

It's so retarded.

The fact that I've pulled my groin only makes everything else worse, pain is not a good thing to add to any bad situation.

All day I've been using a heating pad, or sitting in my hottub, and still it hurts.

What the heck am I gonna have to do?

It's frustrating.

I can't even go anywhere.

Ugh! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Part of me hopes you don't come over, I'm just gonna be a downer.

You don't need that.

The other part of me wants to see you really badly.

Guess we'll see how the night plays out.

Mostly I just want you to sleep at nights.

It really upsets me when you can't get to sleep, and I just fall right to sleep leaving you hanging there with an unanswered question, or something like that.

I'm so sorry.

Here's to hoping you can sleep tonight, and every other night as well.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Was it you who spoke the words...?

Since apparently it's just me and Brooke who write on this little sucker I figured I should write one for you.

I love you.

People think that we aren't really close to each other because we don't get all over each other in public, and that's what makes us the best couple ever.

Some people might disagree with that statement, but they are wrong.

You might think that since I'm going to play music in KC that it'll be easier on me, but it will suck just as bad.

You won't be there so I can just sit there with you and be happy, and forget all the troubles I have.

I'll have to make a whole new set of friends...which I'm not good at.

I wish so much that we had gotten together sooner, because it seems like we've been robbed of time together.

But even in this short time, I've gotten closer to you than I thought I would ever let someone get.

It's been really fantastic.

Yea, we've had our little bickering moments or whatever, but every time - at least for me - each time it's resulted in a stregthening in our relationship.

I really hope this continues for a while, that'd be neato.

I wish I was better with words, so that I could weave some kind of epic tale in which I describe my feelings in a well thought manner.

But, I suck at that...well obviously by what I said earlier.

I promise I'm not mad at you, nor was I ever.

Jason Mraz sums it up nicely.

If you could see me now, well then I'm almost finally out of...finally ou-ou-out of, finalli-di-di-da-di-di-di, well I'm almost finally, finally well out of words.

Now I am.
