Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So many people stepping up on their soap box.

Yes stand by your opinions, but it doesn't take long to reach a point where you're no longer fighting a good fight.

You're just fighting to fight.

And all that breeds from that is more fighting. By all means defend your beliefs to the death. But what happens when the people you're fighting are your closest friends.

I mean seriously. We all believe what we believe. And the fact that you believe something else and then repeatedly hammering people with that fact isn't going to solve anyone's problem.

We all keep shouting out our beliefs like we think it's our job to change the world.


Just do it one person at a time. If one person doesn't like your ideas just respect what they believe, say a prayer for them (or whatever you want to do) and move on.

If you happen to change that one person. Terrific, then they can change one person and the list keeps growing. Don't ever think that every person in a room will agree with you though. Then your just as wrong as you think the non-agreeing people are.

So everyone just step down from your soap boxes. Take whatever weight you think you bear for all of humanity and throw it off.

Jesus already did that for you.

Get over yourself. In the end we'll all find out who's truly correct anyways. So hold on tight to what you believe.

I may not agree with what you believe, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. No matter what you believe by all means, say it.

But don't think that's going to change me. And if that's what you're going for...

Leave me alone. Go try somewhere else.

I can't understand why we all must continuously debate.

But go for it.

My favorite thing is seeing friends torn apart in seconds simply because they believe a baby is truly a baby at different points. I love it soo much it makes me heart cry for all the joy pointlessly wasted.

No, I'm not well versed in the Bible, nor am I that uppity into science, so I really can't back up what I believe, so I can't preach it. All of you who do preach without the full extent of information, you are blindly marching into a battlefield. You may know where you stand, but do you know what they believe?

Why not? You obviously think you're better than them if you're going to fight them.

Holy Moses, it's all so useless.