Friday, November 21, 2008


Saving Grace.

Otherwise known as music.

So if you ever feel down. This is no joke. Seriously.

Listen to Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.

Perhaps the best jazz I've ever heard.

If you listen to it...yes that is a banjo. And if you're thinking of stopping because you think it's gonna be some poopie ole time country.

Just wait. It gets better.

This just serves to prove my point even more that music cures all. Anytime anything goes wrong just listen.

You'll find what you need in music.

Maybe it's as close as we can to Heaven while we're trapped here.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Sometimes I just laugh at how awesome it truly is. I feel like a glass that is just waiting to be filled. And it seems music is the most filling.

If only I could just sit and play all day, what an amazing thought.

I hope I'm able to do that.

I should go practice.

But it's a little bit late for that.

Yay! for it being Friday.

I get to sleep in. Which I'll probably end up sleeping until like noon because I think I might just sit here and listen to this music for another few hours.

It doesn't get old. The best part of it all is I think in a few songs they just start making things up halfway through, but they're so good you just can't tell.

I love how long I can ramble on about one subject, get a little sidetracked, and then oddly enough end up at the beginning.

Now stop reading and go listen to Bela.

Cool name by the way. Bela Fleck.

He just sounds like a good jazz player.

On a side note, Victor Wooten is the best bassist ever.

Also, if you're still reading this...


Go listen, enjoy, relax, be happy, soak it up. Let it fill you up.

And for a moment, forget everything except for what you hear. It really is amazing to have no stress for like ten seconds.

Your welcome if it helps.

If it didn't help, I suppose jazz isn't for you. And also, you have a very sad taste in music.

I also think it's time for a change of pace.


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