Sunday, December 21, 2008


I like them.

Time for...well stuff.

Family time, not so fun unless you have two fun brothers, if only the rest of your family wasn't stuck up rednecks. Isn't that an ironical statement.

But that's ok because soon after is time for friends. Who, if they're the right ones are very fun to be around.

It's warm and cozy.

I'm really happy I'm the one playing guitar hero in my underwear, and not watching fitness video while...

not finishing that sentence.

Mary Steenburgen saying, "what the f-ing f!" really made me laugh. She's so hallmark channel (ha that's a fun way to describe someone).

Then hottub parties, which are slowly dying out. But it's ok when you have all stopped coming, I'll still go out alone for the sake of tradition.

If only they didn't end.

Freakin' Norm Ridder and his making us go to school for two more days.

Well, you guys are going to school for two days, I'll be going for one, and maybe band. We'll see I suppose.

Oh cool, pirate hats! And crossbows!



Rhendricks said...

Oh my this was a fun weekend. And I wish that I was the one playing Guitar Hero as well, but I don't really have control over it.

I would of been fun to see my whole hair freeze, but that's okay I guess, at least next week there won't be much of a curfew.

Brittany said...

I promise I'm in next time. This time I just needed to do something else with different people.

And yes, being with the right people can make all the difference.

And Chris.. I'm sorry about my actions in that movie.. although I still don't think I'm that girl..

who knows though

Brookely90 said...

I haven't missed a week! =D Although I did leave early last night but I helped my grandma wrap presents so I had a good reason.

hornextraordinare said...

i figure i should comment now since i was there too...

uhh...every one here has said true statements

Cullen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cullen said...

Didn't mean to delete the last one.

I would come if I got a text ;)

Rhendricks said...

lol Chris, I', glad that our posts were true.