Sunday, January 4, 2009

3 for 4?




That means I don't have a perfect score, and I couldn't be happier.

Well, about that at least.

Ever feel like you're in like the middle season of a show?

You know, the crappy one where nothing happens. It's just the same stuff over and over again.

Nothing is building, and nothing is breaking apart.

It's just kind of...there.

Ever feel like that?


Yeah, me neither, but it's a fun idea right?


Money can't buy direct happiness, just things that make you happy.

I don't know about you, but playing Fable is pretty darn fun.

Or is it the people who are there when you're playing Fable that make it fun?



The pants I'm wearing have tire tread marks and I don't know how they got there.

I'm pretty sure I didn't get run over by a very tiny car. But stranger things have happened.

Should I?

Oh, that's fun.

You guys should answer. It'll be fun.

I can't wait, actually that's not true at all.

I can wait.



Brittany said...

I always feel like I understand about half of what you're talking about.

Wait.. maybe not that I don't understand it, because I'm sure I can read English, but that I don't always know what you're making reference to.

That's the point though isn't it?

and yes, you should

Brookely90 said...

I guess what it's about but I'm probably wrong.