Saturday, January 3, 2009

4 for 4

Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurt?

Wished with all of your being that you could just have that one thing?

And yet, known that it wouldn't happen.

That it would just get stripped away from you.

I suppose it's my own doing that caused it.

It always is.

But, I have to be difficult.


I don't think that it will be possible, so maybe I should change.

Nah, who likes change anyway?

Perhaps I'm overreacting.

But, it seems that what has happened several times before has again occured.

I should go in with this as my expectation.

Maybe, it'll help, doubt it.

But maybe.

Try the truth, that solves many problems.

It causes others ones though, but maybe those are worth the ones you solve.


1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hey.. is this the kind of change we talked about helping each other with before? If not then I'm clueless