Monday, January 12, 2009


I don't know what to say.

You make me happy.

Sorry you always hurt yourself.

Am I talking about the same person?

Yup, but not for the same reasons.

But also no.

I'm so happy SYS started up again, I missed that dearly.

Screw pepband, mostly, not all the way, kinda wanna leave something to the imagination.

Oh, and my mom and her boyfriend are asleep on our couch.

Now I understand why she doesn't come home until 3.

I should wake them up, but what the heck would I say...

"Hi! It's time to wake up!"

"Hey you two, take it easy over there!"

"Did you want to go home tonite?"

I think I'll stick with...

"Hey, time for bed."

I feel like such a responsible adult.

Oh, and also, I bad at talking.

(the grammatical error is on purpose.)

And that's how you whisper in text.

So I almost yelled at Ms. Erickson in the middle of class. Like stood up and began yelling.

I understand I talk a lot and do...whatever it is that pisses teachers off, but seriouslyto just blatently deny me and Ross a chance to make up the assignment.

First of all, I did it, I know cause I fucking cheated off Jacob.
Second, I did come and talk to you about it.
Third, Cullen, or somebody got the work from you for me.
Fourth, why did Carrie get credit for the assignment when she didn't do it, and she even admits that.
Fifth, I'm so happy I get you for another semester, because I'm going to make it a living hell, and all while getting an A just to spite you...

I'll save the massive amounts of insults for myself, or ask me in person if you enjoy hearing cursing.

I'm very not happy about this episode of clusterfuck, thank you Corey for the very tasteful descriptive word.

A whole episode of it, man that's a lot of bad.


Espanol es muy bueno.



Brittany said...


je parle francais!!

I probably did that wrong, but oh well. When said out loud it is correct.

And I'm sorry too, because ouch.

I told everyone that lady was crazy and they would hate her.

byondaverage said...

Erickson is a poo head. She drives me crazy! grrr...