Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So Dum

Holy shit!

I'm so stupid.


What the hell?

I'm sorry.


Saturday, June 27, 2009


I love that mascot.

It's like my favorite ever.

I got all registered and what-not.

I've got a lot of classes to take...like a bunch.

Where as a normal student would have about 130 hrs to graduate, I'll have a minimum of 150.

Yay for 5 years to graduate.


Fitting in music classes, physics classes, honors program classes, and then the general classes is not gonna be easy.

Ugh...at least OTC isn't too expensive.

I am excited however, because pretty much all of my first semester is music classes.


So far.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Took Long Enough

I finally figured out how to not be an asshole to you.

Thank you.

It should be better from now on.

So far, it's working...so let's just keep it this way.



Friday, June 19, 2009


Ha Ha......yea.

I can't get inside, I don't know how.

Other people seem to have no problem at all.

I just can't figure out how.

Still scared.


One of These Days

I just feel like I'm not good enough.

There has to be something else to make it good.

I can't find a way to make things good on my own.

It can't be fun if it's me, there has to be something else.

So very scared.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

'Big Change'

Oh yea, I love doing all the chores.

And feeding all the animals, even the ones that aren't mine.

It's a good thing I use both the pool and hottub, cause I'm the only that cleans those too.

I feed myself, take care of my things, and now all of theirs too.

Fun, fun.

So much, friggin' fun.

I don't think I'm gonna do those thank you letters...maybe I will...hm...

I don't really see a use for them.

Maybe as a conformation that I got their money, but how could I not have gotten it?

Hm...I don't know.

I'm just feeling like I'm getting the short straw everytime around here.

Yea, I got a new computer, because of my brother, yea I'm going to college, because of my hard work, and yet I still get to do all the bullshit I used to even though there is somebody else living here who is perfectly capable of doing something.

When I'm gone, I can tell this place will fall even farther apart.

It's not like it's that bad, but I'm the one that does the chores, and housework.


Still wish KC wasn't sooo far away.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Dr. Who marathon!



No one gives a poop about bigfoot!

So bla-di-bla him!


Just the Right Amount of Awkward

Are you mine? Are you mine?

Cause I stay here all the time,

Watchin' tele, drinkin' wine.

I'm already lonely.

That had better get worked out fast.

Oh hey...good news though.

I don't think I woke anyone when I came home, so that's good.

I would feel bad, I'd probably still stay out, but I 'd feel bad if they got up.

For some reason I really love how laptop keyboards feel when you type, it's like they are a lot more responsive, or move faster or something.

I dunno, I just like them.

Ugh. I realized this morning that I have three mosquito bites on my shoulder.

They are extremely annoying.

I hate mosquito bites...in fact everyone hates mosquito bites.

It's like, not only are you going to steal some blood, that my body painstakingly made, from other cells, but then you are gonna make my skin swell up with red bumps, and on top of that make it all itchy.

Of course it's the famale mosquito that does this.

Wait...what is that supposed to mean...

Hm...who knows?


not me

Monday, June 15, 2009


Man, that sucks!

We did so well in the first half, but then fell off at the end.

That friggin' red card in the first half, how retarded?

There was nothing there to warrant that.

Man, we held it well, but playing for like an hour with a man down, so it's 11 on 10.


Well, they still played well.

Pirlo, this Italian guy, he is a very good passer.

It is ironic to note that out of the three goals Italy scored, two of them were made by a guy who was born in New Jersey to immigrant parents, and then moved to Italy when he was like 16, so he could've played for us, but chose not to.

That sucks, cause if he was on our side, we win.

Oh well, still great game of soccer, our goalie Tim Howard...what a stud.

Ok, guess I'll go back to writing confusing blogs that no one really understands.

That's more fun anyways.


I Watch All Kinds of Sports

Wow, soccer is actually extremely exciting.


Landon Donovan just scored against Italy.

Basically this match is like a 4 vs. a 14, USA being the 14.

And they are doing fantastic!

Holy cow, everyone may give soccer crap, but it is awesome.

Oh my goodness, this guy just about got a bicycle kick directly to the face.

You know the flipping kick thing.

Woulda hurt like hell.

Ah...we almost scored again, and it would've been like 2 minutes apart.

So close.

More of you guys should watch soccer, even when there aren't any goals, there is always so much action.

The crowd is annoying, cause it's sounded like there is a swarm of bees just engulfing the stadium...it's how many blowhorn there are in this place.

Good golly that would be annoying!

Oh man, the Italians just keep making mistakes.

Oh, this is a good game.

There is this guy on the American team, Jozy Altidore, he's only 19 years old.

Like that Freddy Adu character, I didn't really think about them being my age and playing soccer in South Africa professionally.

That's insane.

I wish I was that good at playing horn, man that would be cool.

Well, anywho...my lunch is ready so I'm gonna go eat now.

If you read this in the next like hour, you should definently watch the game, it's on espn.

I know you won't but still...it's awesome.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Lights Will Guide You Home, and I Will Try to Fix You

Things have already changed so much.


I don't want to be here very much.

I guess I'll have to show my face every once in a while.

But seriously, if any of you are willing, I would love to hang out.

And yes Rusty, I know your house will always be open to me.

And yes, I will probably be taking way more advantage of that now.

Oh hey...You, Me, and Dupree has a very little played Coldplay song in it.

That was unexpected.

I'm still scared.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

So Very Scared

She's standing at the train station.


Her ticket has a number on it.

She just missed her train.

Just barely.

But it went away.

Now another one comes up.

It looks a lot different, but it's going close to her destination.

She figures maybe this one is better.

A little change is always good.


So she takes it.

I'm so very scared that the second train will crash.

I'm so very scared, that this second train will ruin her.


The Little Things...

It really does mean a lot to me that you did that.

I know it may not seem like all that much, but it really is.

Thank you.

And bowling was fun, I won't lie, standing there while you guys decided what to do with your tickets was a little boring.

Hey...I'll get over it.

I don't really know if that helped you feel any better or not, but I know it helped me.

At least now we know what to do.

..you do to me are, takin me over.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i just want to see You

And now we've taken so many steps backwards.

Before you knew about that, you thought you were all I needed.

And that is still true.

Why do you suddenly think you need to be different, when last week you didn't.

I'm the same person I was before you saw that, nothing has changed.

All you have to do is the same thing you did for quite a while.

How can I possibly talk you in to believing this?

I know you don't think you'll ever live up to what I want you to be, but the reality of the situation is that you were.

But now you seem reclusive, like you don't want to be near me, because you think you aren't good enough for me.

Well, dearie, that is the most incorrect thought you've had since we started dating.

Just be Brooke.



Tuesday, June 9, 2009




Of Course Not

I have an idea.

But I know it won't work.

Because of one reason.


Monday, June 8, 2009

So Alone

And it's not because I'm not around people.

I dunno.

I just feel seperated.

It's not anybody's fault.

It's just one of those things.

Let me tell you though, it is not very fun.

It's like I'm on my own little island way out from everything else.

I don't really know what to do.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Worst Farmer's Tan Ever

You know, you're gonna have to let me buy you the things I/my dog break.

I'm just gonna keep harassing you about it until you either:1. cave, or 2. get so mad at me you're throwing things.

So just suck it up, and let me do this for you.

Now kids...

sunscreen is a very good item.

I hurt.


I think even my eyes are red.



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just Call Me James

I bowled a lot better than I usually do tonight.

That was pretty fun.


Anywho, sitting here now, not so much.

She speaks very truly.

Yellow light, turned red too quickly.

One of these days.


Doubt it.

Not too much left.


Monday, June 1, 2009

So soon?

Haven't had much to say lately.

This is gonna be awkward here in about a week and a half.

He's a nice guy and I think he's smart enough to know better...but if he tries to "lay down some ground rules"...guess who's moving in with his older brother.

I don't think that'll happen though.


Yup, that's it.
