Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lost on the Stoop

Good Song. But also good starting point, especially when you get an idea and then right as you go to put it on paper (or at least as close as anyone gets to putting things on paper anymore) you lose it. So I guess I'm supposed to write about forgetting what I'm writing about, maybe I'll pick up some lost thread of thought that I had earlier.

Oh RIGHT! Yay for remembering...actually first

on a side note-how do you portray time through puntuation.Yeah, I left some space between thoughts but how am I supposed to show the actual amount of time that it took to remember what I lost.

Now...what is true?

Is it really what's true? Or is it what the majority says. Last year in Lib and Law, we read a book by some famous guy from history. I don't remember his name, but his idea has stuck with me. And he's right. If you believe something a lot of the time a majority of people will agree with you, that or you agree with the majority of people. Now, that's all well and good, assuming that the more people you have the more chance you have of getting the real truth. But what if in all reality it's not that more people equals more truth, but instead just more distortions to that truth.

Think about it. The more people that you have, the more ideas those people will have. Now all these ideas floating around will almost certainly get more and more messed up as you go along. So in the end, and idea that starts at one side of this large group of people will have morphed into a totally different idea by the time that it trickles down into your mind.

But on the other hand how can the minority be right. Almost always they have the exact opposite idea. Anything the majority thinks will almost certainly be hated by this other side. So if the large group has even some hint of the truth, the smaller group will take that truth and totally turn it around.

So now where do you go?

It doesn't seem like there's even the smallest touch of hope left of finding that awe inspiring truth. Maybe the truth lies between the two groups. Perhaps instead of blindly following one side or blindly not following that same side, maybe you should take the time to think about it.

Conformity then is not a bad thing. The worst thing that a person could do is to blindly conform. But then again isn't blindly nonconforming just conforming to nonconforming?

So then wouldn't it be the smartest to look at not just the good of the sides, or just the bad of the sides, but instead focus on all sides of all sides? Sounds easy right? But then if it was easy then we wouldn't have to worry about anything at all.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Who are You voting for?


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