Thursday, October 23, 2008

what do You see?

So I was sitting in the gym and I happen to notice the reflection of light on the ground. Now as I walked around I happened to notice it move. Well that makes sense...I mean I've known light will do that since like forever. But then I got to thinking if I'm standing here looking at the light on the ground and a friend is standing some five feet that way and the light is in another place...Does that mean the light is everywhere at once?

And for that matter if the light is everywhere at once does that mean it's omnipresent?

And if that's the case does that make the light God?

I mean, without it I can't percieve anything so really doesn't the light create everything, or at least our perception of it?

Why do I put so much space in between my thoughts, do I really think it helps that much? Or does it?

See...randomness, it's awesome right? Am I trying to make this whole thing in questions? If so I failed right at the beginning.

So if the light is God haven't I already seen it? So wouldn't this be Heaven? Good golly I hope not, that would mean this place is perfect. Man perfection hurts like Hell, which is ironic right?

But again I guess it is all about perception right?


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